When talking about procrastination during OET training, most people are in denial even if they have a test coming up, and instead of studying, they are playing with their phones. They know that they should be reviewing; they just don’t feel like doing it. 

A typical procrastinator wastes away time and crams their review later on. Don’t let procrastination take over your studying. Here are some tips you can adopt to avoid procrastination. 

Confusing Words You Need to Start Using Correctly Part 1

It’s undeniable that the English language has many complicated words. Some of them sound alike but are either spelled differently or has different meanings altogether. Have you encountered this kind of words in your review? If yes, then it might be a perfect time for you to check out JRooz OET Baguio and discover how we can help you.

But for now, quickly take a look at these commonly confused words. Use them correctly and you’ll be amazed at how neat and tidy your writing will become.